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The aim of House Groups at Emmanuel is to foster a sense of community throughout the Church and to create an environment where members can build relationships, grow together spiritually, pray and learn. The current groups have different formats and no two are the same, as you might expect being led by people with differing but equally valuable gifts.



Prayer forms a vital connection between God and each other. House Groups are a place of prayer as we seek God together as a Christian community built on love.

"pray for one another, that
you may be healed"

James 5:16



Showing support to one another is akin to serving Jesus directly. House Groups are a place to show faith with corresponding works of loving obedience.

"what you did for one of

the least, you did for Me"

Matthew 25:40



Hospitality is the gift of welcoming one another and showing love in action. House Groups are a place to love Jesus by practicing this special gift.

"Share with the Lord's people;

practice hospitality"

Romans 12:13


"Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching"

Hebrews 10:25 The Message

©2025 Emmanuel Christian Centre (Church), Mill Street, Ulverston, LA12 7EB. Charity No. 1052196. Revd Darren Roy

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