We have a range of ministries and departments serving the church and local community. You'll find a snapshot of what we do on this page but there's so much more, either behind the scenes or more upfront. Please request a 'church welcome booklet' for a complete list of services to the community, guidance available, or opportunities to serve.

Carelink Meals on Wheels
Carelink is a service to the community which aims to demonstrate love through practical means. This is mainly by the provision of meals and practical help in the running of a home. Since 2012, Carelink has taken over the meals-on-wheels provision from the local council.
Emmanuel Toddlers
Our popular parents and toddlers group is held on Tuesday mornings for play, interaction, friendship and support. Running between 10:00 - 11:30 in the downstairs hall at the Centre. A voluntary contribution of £1 is appreciated but there's no pressure, and there's snacks and drinks for children, parents and carers.

Students & Young Adults
As well as confidential pastoral support from a Christian perspective, students and young adults have a decicated chaplain available to those in the church or community. We also have a large group of young adults who meet both formally for courses or discipleship, and informally for Christian friendship or prayer.
House Groups & Discipleship
We have a range of discipleship groups to help people grow in each stage of their Christian journey. At the heart of our church life are house groups. This is where members can pray for each other, grow together as disciples, build meaningful relationships, and show God's love in action like a true family.

Royal Rangers
Royal Rangers is a uniformed, practical-based, scouting and adventure group for ages 11-17 years. Young people at Rangers are presented with opportunities to develop life skills through a perfect mix of fun and accomplishment. The Rangers motto is "ready for anything".

Allstars Junior Church
Allstars is the junior church which usually takes place during the Sunday morning sermon- anything from 20 minutes to an hour, Allstars is very flexible. Activities are aimed at 2 groups: ages 3 to 7 years and 7 to 11 years, following the Light Curriculum from Scripture Union.